Sunday, December 31, 2006

a flordia couple

alligator alert

alabama preacher

911 calls

98 year old woman

25 signs you have grown up

8 year old danny


when you gotta go

6th testimony

fifth testimony

fourth testimony

3rd 4th 5th graders

3 pigs

Monday, December 25, 2006

fred and the cop

if you think life is bad

blonde on airplane

ageing gracefully

disney gif

ain't that funny

thank you

city lights

life is like....


disco lights

work harder

i'm hung

my God...your so pretty

forgive me

bad hair day

aunt karen

Sunday, December 24, 2006

lucky cat

the creek

a hick farmboy


Saturday, December 23, 2006

bill clintons class


big titties

the disney bunch


playing stupid

i'm sorry

why women shouldn't take viagra

same shit


those for me


weak in the knees

a sleepy kitten